Was your husband unfaithful?

You don't have to live through this pain alone!

Journey Beyond Betrayal is a sisterhood of support to walk with you
through the aftermath of infidelity without shame!


This is a community that understands your emotional roller coaster...
And will be on the transformational ride with you.



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The Journey Beyond Betrayal ABCs

Join the community to get:


Take control of your journey.
You didn’t choose what happened to you, but you do get to choose how to move forward.


Get unstuck.
Gain knowledge and tools to move beyond the pain.


Stop believing the lies.
Know that you are worthy of love and infidelity doesn’t define you.


End the isolation.
Surround yourself with women who understand your pain and want to help you heal.

Become a Member



I understand the pain of an unfaithful husband, because it happened to me too. 


Hello beautiful!  My name is Kate.  I am a wife, mom of two energetic boys, Board Certified Mental Health Coach, certified Kingdom Coach and a Jesus follower.  My husband and I have been married for over 16 years.  But 5 years into our marriage I learned that our entire marriage was rooted in lies and deception.

In October 2012 I slowly uncovered that web of deception through the trickle truths of a staggered disclosure.  I discovered he had sent sexual text messages to one woman...actually many woman....next he told me he was addicted to pornography....and then I learned he had been physically unfaithful during our marriage....and also when we were engaged.  It was the worst pain I've ever felt.

But October 2022, ten years later, marked the transformation of pain to purpose.  Because I realized that the excruciating heartbreak I felt is not a feeling I would want anyone else to experience, but way too many women do.  

Sexual betrayal can deeply affect a woman's sense of confidence and worth.

Despite the pain being so common, and so traumatizing, most women don't feel comfortable talking about it.  In our anger, hurt, and confusion we can start to believe the lies, settle into shame, and think that nobody else understands.

It's time to stop all those things, and end the isolation.

While everyone's story of betrayal is different, there are many other women who understand the hurt and pain you feel because they are experiencing it too.  

Are you currently living with that hurt and pain? 

Do you feel like you're going crazy?

Have you lost sight of your worth and value?

No woman should have to experience the trauma of an unfaithful spouse.

But now that you are here, now that it's happened, I want to point you toward hope!

Whether it's been one month or 10 years since you discovered the unfaithfulness, if you're still in pain, you can move beyond it!

The Journey Beyond Betrayal community exists to empower heartbroken women in the aftermath of a husband's unfaithfulness by helping you regain confidence and emerge with strength and resilience.

You're no longer alone while navigating the pain from your husband's affair.  Instead, you get to walk the journey with a sisterhood of support. 

You can calm the chaos, silence the lies, and move beyond the heartache with support from others!!

You get to choose how you pursue healing - start walking the journey with women who get it!

Become a Member

The Journey Beyond Betrayal exists to
EMPOWER heartbroken women
in the aftermath of infidelity by helping you
regain CONFIDENCE and emerge with STRENGTH and RESILIENCE.

We do this by providing:

Confidential Community

  • Private online community and app to engage with each other
  • Ask questions and get answers
  • Share victories and setbacks
  • Support each other through the pain

Weekly Online Meetings

  • A safe and confidential setting to listen and share with others who understand the trauma
  • Read and discuss books to help with the healing process

Monthly Expert Q & A

  • Live online meeting with experts on infidelity, healing from trauma, and women who have walked the journey
  • Ask questions and get info to help you move forward


  • Access to recordings from all previous Expert Q & As
  • Videos to help you calm the chaos in your mind and body, reclaim your worth, and rebuild trust in yourself and others
  • Printable journals, tools, and encouragement
Become a Member

What are you waiting for?

Be surrounded by a tribe of women who understand your pain and are pursuing healing together!

Join the sisterhood!!!

Sign Up Now

Two Membership Options:

Quarterly Plan


Pay Every 3 Months

  • A sisterhood who understands the pain of betrayal
  • Tools to help you OVERCOME SHAME and move forward through the pain to emerge with RESILIENCE & CONFIDENCE
  • Video resource library to help you calm the chaos in your mind and body, rebuild trust in yourself and others, and work toward healing
  • Weekly Online Group Meeting
  • Weekly Book Group Meeting
  • Monthly Expert Q & A
  • Private online community discussion forums
  • Save 15% when you commit 3 months to your healing!
I'm Committed!

Monthly Plan


Month-to-Month Payment

  • A sisterhood who understands the pain of betrayal
  • Tools to help you OVERCOME SHAME and move forward through the pain to emerge with RESILIENCE & CONFIDENCE
  • Video resource library to help you calm the chaos in your mind and body, rebuild trust in yourself and others, and work toward healing
  • Weekly Online Group Meeting
  • Weekly Book Group Meeting
  • Monthly Expert Q & A
  • Private online community discussion forums



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Frequently Asked Questions